Sites & cities that bear the name of Skuldelev ships

Skuldelev ships

Today in : Denmark
First trace of activity : 1030 C.E
Last trace of activity : 1042 C.E

Description : The Skuldelev ships are five original Viking ships recovered from the waterway of Peberrenden at Skuldelev , c. 20 km (12 mi) north of Roskilde in Denmark. In 1962, the remains of the submerged ships were excavated in the course of four months. The recovered pieces constitute five types of Viking ships and have all been dated to the 11th century. They were allegedly sunk to prevent attacks from the sea. When the remains were unearthed, they were thought to comprise six ships, but "Skuldelev 2" and "Skuldelev 4" were later discovered to be parts of one ship. Together, the five Skuldelev ships provide a good source of information about the shipbuilding traditions of the late Viking Age and are now exhibited at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. The museum has built accurate reconstructions of all five of the original Skuldelev ships; some of them have also been reconstructed by other groups across the world.

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